Hello captains,
Patch 1.02 is now live for Genesis Alpha One. This patch kills some bugs (not those ones) as well as balancing and improving some gameplay elements based on player feedback.
You can find a full list of what’s included below:
Bug Fixes and Gameplay Balancing
- Limited spawns on one Space Pirate attack – after the limit has been reached, the Framen/Mechanics will move away from the players position.
- Players starting position is in the middle a galaxy maps “quadrant”. This results in the player having to do at least 4 jumps to enter a quadrant with Space Pirates and with a higher difficulty.
- Warning log message when player enters cluster with Space Pirates (or vice versa)
- The Framen and Mechanics used to spawn at fixed intervals during an invasion. Spawns have now been made more random to make them less predictable.
- Only one Space Pirate ship at a time should follow the player preventing multiple ships at neighbouring clusters congregating that used to result in rapid attacks
- Survival guide on how to deal with Space Pirates will now display on first encounter
- Framen and Mechanic ship visible in skybox
- Framen and Mechanic have own distinctive ship which will fly into and out of the orbit.
- Decreased recharge rate of shield levels 3 and 4.
- Aliens now hide in crates collected on player-controlled expeditions.
- Reduced alien spawn rate and numbers in hangar from crew only expeditions.
- Player can add up to 4 crew members to the hangar for increased assistance on planetary landings.
- Added the possibility to select which resources crew should farm on crew only expeditions
- Reduced ammo capacity of Iron Thrower and Kugelblitz from 120 to 60. Acid Thrower and FireBomb Launcher ammo capacity has also been reduced from 160 to 80.
- Reduced ammo pack size for grenade weapons from 40 to 20.
- Crew Terminal hint button should blink to be more visible.
- Harvester turret and resource farming noises have had audio levels reduced.
- Added more crew names.
- Enemy spawn locations on planets change randomly within the same wave.
- Reduced time the player is blocked by the Harvester hatch when it opens from 3.2 to 2 seconds.
- Destroying Harvester cargo now requires button to be held.
- Turbo lifts can now be rotated.
- German localisation – module condition in building menu to “Zustand” instead “Bedingung”
- Ambient light intensity of your ship has been increased from 4 to 5.
- Brightness of X-Ray caster projectiles has been reduced on planets to increase visibility
- Visual bug fix relating to worm deaths where wrong giblets were spawned when killed.
- Added merchant trade UI sounds.
- Merchant ship visible in cluster.
- Fixed Merchant icon bug where icon was grayed out even if the player was in position.
- Panic room energy barrier will now regenerate if not attacked for 10 seconds (previously all aliens had to be killed on the ship)
- Fixed dancing/stuck robotniks
- Arachnoids and infernos will be hidden in crates along with crawler and spore spawners.
- Fixed heights of several module builders.
- Added IDA voice warning when shields are critical.
Harvester Changes
These changes will only take effect if starting a new game.
- Harvester is now upgradable with schematics being found at crash sites.
- Harvester cargo capacity can now be upgraded to 10.
- Additional turret can be applied to the front of the Harvester
- An energy barrier can be created and added to the Harvester entrance to help prevent bugs coming on board.
- Increased cargo space (10) not displaying correctly in ship building when hovering on hangar – visual fix
- Upgrade capacity of Harvester biomass tank to 30.
- Upgrade speed of crew only expeditions on the Harvester, reducing journey time by 15 seconds.
Galaxy Creation Changes
These changes will only take effect if starting a new game.
- Fixed danger level distribution of static hazards.
- Merchant ships stay stationary and don’t move.
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